Intel 64 / OS X
Ammonite provides an easy-to-use interface to find tagged files quickly using the tags introduced by OS X 10.9 Mavericks. It also works with OpenMeta tags and databases of DEVONtechnologies' excellent product DEVONthink Pro. The program takes a visual approach: tags applied to many documents will appear larger than tags applied to fewer documents. This helps you to drill down on the information you are looking for. It visualizes dates, file types and "nested tags" in separate clouds as well, providing a unified, intuitive more...

What's New

Version 1.13.1:
Bug Fixes
  • Restore input focus to previously active control when re-opening search panel
  • Crash when working with files with corrupt meta data


  • OS X 10.6 or later
  • DEVONthink Pro version 2.0 or later for working with DEVONthink databases