
Wondering if your last Dribbble shot made it to the popular list? LastShot keeps track of your last Dribbble shot to show its popularity rank and page...

Pixfeed for Dribbble

The flat designed UI to view the best designs of Dribbble, to get inspired with alll these decent creations inside and download them easily only by a ...

Scorebbboard for Dribbble

Scorebbboard is a menubar application that brings Dribbble notifications to your Mac. It keeps you updated with the latest activity of your Dribbble P...


iDribbble is a Mac OS X Web service that allows you to run Dribbble as an application without opening a browser. It supports all Dribbble features and...


傻小编一直对设计工作专用图片管理类工具情有独钟,之前曾遇到过 Pixa、Ember、Sparkbox 这样的极品,但价格大多昂贵,不是狂热级别的话一般都不会轻易入手的,如果有一款性价比很高的图片搜集工具让我选,我肯定会毫不犹豫的找 Inboard ,这款软件更轻量化,设计了 Dribbble 资源导...

LastShot:实时查看自己的Shot状态 for Dribbble

LastShot 居然限免了,有 Dribbble Prospect 账号的设计师同学们千万不要错过,使用LastShot可以方便的查看上传作品的状态以及在Popular List的排名变化情况,能够直观的看到作品的被浏览次数,被喜欢的次数,被收藏次数,被转发次数以及收到的评论数。 当作品被收入进 ...