Acc ScreenGrab Free

OS X 10.7
The free version of Acc Screen Grab Pro Best tool to capture screenshot.Acc ScreenGrab Also can manage ScreenShot files. Use Acc ScreenGrab Free to: - Grab,Preview and Manage Screenshot Features: 1、A variety of ways to capture screenshot:Full Screen、Selected Area(Selection)、Selected Window、Timed Screen. 2、Manage ScreenShot files: Create/Remove Grab folder for saved ScreenShot. Use the tree to display the list of document 3、Automatically copied ScreenShot to the clipboard 4、Customize the save name format: Like Capimage####,the ScreenShot is Capimage0001,Capimage0002,... 5、The simplicity of operator is convenient: Support customize hotkey. Support menubar. 6、Support major image output formats.,like jpg, png, gif,tiff,bmp… Global Keyboard shortcuts: these shortcuts work everywhere,it does not matter if Acc ScreenGrab is active or not.they can also be customized in Acc ScreenGrab's Preference window to suit your needs: - Show Windows ^⌘Q - Full Screen Grab ^⌘S - Selection ^⌘A - Selected Window ^⌘W - Open Grab Folder ^⌘D In "Selection" mode,Press the "ESC" key will return to the previous step. In "Selected Window" mode, Press the "ESC" will Cancel. ****** Go Pro and get more ******* Pro Can Draw and Edit ScreenShot(Depth ScreenGrab) >> Very flexibly adjust the size of the grab area. >> Grab the specified size screenshot. >> Grab the round Comers screenshot. >> Grab screenshot with logo or watermark >> Can easily draw arrows, boxes … when grab,And you can set the color.