Intel 64 / OS X / Intel 32
$ 19.99
Adobe Creative Cloud costs $19.99/month for a single app, or $49.99/month for the entire suite. Introducing Adobe Creative Cloud desktop applications, including Adobe Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC. They're the next generation of CS tools. Get hundreds of all-new features. Keep your entire creative world in sync: files, feedback from team members, fonts, settings, and updates. And, as always, your applications live on your desktop, not in a browser and not in the cloud. With Creative Cloud, your entire creative world is synced and organized for you across multiple devices. Track comments posted to shared files, keep tabs on your work and your followers on Behance, respond to invitations to join a project folder, manage your fonts, download the latest product updates, and more. Read: The Top 5 Myths about Creative Cloud Included with Creative Cloud: Photoshop CC - Image editing and compositing. Illustrator CC - Vector graphics and illustration. InDesign CC- Page design, layout, and publishing. Dreamweaver CC - Websites, app design, and coding. After Effects CC - Cinematic visual effects and motion graphics. Premiere Pro CC - Video production and editing. Muse CC - Website design without coding. Also included: Acrobat XI Pro Audition CC Bridge CC Encore Fireworks Flash Builder Premium Flash Professional CC InCopy CC Photoshop Lightroom Media Encoder CC Prelude CC SpeedGrade CC


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