OS X 10.7
AndyTaxBooks is an extended version of the popular AndyBooks accounting app. It is a straightforward, easy to use bookkeeping program, ideal for personal use or for clubs, small businesses or the self-employed. It has a no-frills approach, accounts are presented clearly & cleanly and entering information is kept simple and efficient. Account are classified into categories, you define the ones you want and can have as many as you like. Categories can be restricted to income or expenditure entries only, reducing the possibility of data entry errors, and can be rearranged at will. Entries can be displayed in date order, sorted into categories, or selected by category. Presets (templates) can be set up to make regular or repeating entries quick & easy to add. The currency can be set on a file by file basis, as can the tax name. Accounts can be imported from other AndyTaxBooks files. Entries can also be exported using copy & paste, in a format suitable for spreadsheets, word processors and databases. Each AndyTaxBooks file holds accounts for a single year. At the end of the year a follow-on file can be automatically generated with the same categories, presets & settings.