OS X 10.10
Beddy Butler is a virtual butler in your ear who reminds you to go to bed, e.g. "It's getting rather late, your Grace", at a timeframe of your choice. Beddy Buttler installs as a small menu bar app for macOS. It will randomly play a sound sample at random times, between a period of time you can set, i.e. when you would like to get in the habit of going to bed (e.g. 10:30-11:00). The applet will nudge you to go to bed during a time frame. You can change the following settings: - Set a timeframe for your desired time to prepare to go to bed (e.g. 10:30 - 11:00) - Choose your applet behaviour from a set of butlers: Shy, Insistent and Zombie. - You may also be able to preview each buttler. - Configure whether you would like the applet to launch at login