OS X 10.10
Bell is a countdown timer residing on your menubar, with some special functions, if you would read on. First of all, you have two countdown durations at the same time. • this means that you have two durations set, a primary one and an alternate • you can switch between these two easily • a good example would be back to the school days, you had, say, 40 minutes for a class, then a 10 minutes break You decide what to do when the time is up • the app does the counting down for you, but you tell it what to do when its job done • for now, some actions are provided • play a sound • show one of the interfaces of the app • show system notification • run AppleScript • run shell script • continue counting down or switch to the alternate duration • and you pick the actions and arrange their order It is just there at your service • global shortcuts are available • it will appear in your working screen when in multiple displays settings • it costs little system resource when working in the background And here are some not-so-obvious keyboard pressings if you prefer • when in timer interface • spacebar: resume or pause the countdown • L: switch to the alternate timer • G: start the current countdown again • when in the Preferences interface • A: show actions • C: show shortcuts • when in the app • CMD+,: show Preferences • CMD+/: show app info • Delete: back to last interface if available • CMD+Q: quit the app