OS X 10.10
BlueHarvest keeps your storage devices free of macOS metadata such as ._ files, .DS_Store files, .AppleDouble folders, .Trashes and many many more. It also supports removing Windows metadata including Thumbs.db, Desktop.ini and $RECYCLE.BIN. BlueHarvest automatically cleans these devices as you work without you needing to do a lift a finger. Features: Per device configurations. Scheduled cleaning. Custom file backlists (with wildcards) for deleting any file or folder you wish. The ability to retain metadata if the metadata is required for aliases, labels, custom icons, security data or Finder tags. "Examine" feature for viewing metadata available for deletion. Removal of macOS extended attributes from files on Mac disks (non automated). Built-in support for deleting: .DS_Store, ._AppleDouble, .apdisk, .AppleDouble (folders via smb), .com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent, .fseventsd, .Spotlight-V100, .TemporaryItems, .VolumeIcon.icns, $Recycle.bin, Desktop.ini, Icon?, Thumbs.db. Built in log viewer. Feedback and feature requests encouraged: rosst@zeroonetwenty.com