BusiBI CRM 2016

OS X 10.9
Amazing, full featured CRM, built for Mac, iPad and iPhone from busibi.com. As featured in Lawyers Weekly, Girl's Guide to Project Management, The Sweet Setup and WINK. Configurable opportunity tracking, contact management, task reminders, pricing schedules and social networks integration. Fully configurable - tailor to your Sales Methodology and language This app requires MacOS v10.9 (Mavericks) or greater. Mavericks was released on October 22, 2013 as a free update by Apple. MOBILE FIRST - No internet access required, just synch when you have a connection. Drag and drop bubble charts to keep your pipeline data up to date. Import contacts into your Address Book from LinkedIn and Facebook Instantly view your top clients, top salespeople and other metrics Set up reminders that are synched with your Apple devices Add custom data lists for your company for products, services,clients and staff Track your pipeline, contacts, actions, meetings. No internet connection required, works offline. Simple to use, powerful and configurable. CONTACTS Fully integrated with your Address Book contacts, calendar and tasks. Sync your address book with Facebook and LinkedIn. Import customer lists, pricing and products from the cloud CONFIGURABLE Add your own custom fields and configure pick lists to suit. Tailor for your sales methodology and branding Multi-language support INTERACTIVE CHARTS Drag and drop bubble chart Slice and dice tabular view Interactive sales funnel SYNCH TO THE CLOUD - OR YOUR OWN DATACENTER Integrate with your on-premise or cloud CRM such as SalesForce,SAP or Microsoft Dynamics