CISM exam prep and braindump

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This app can help you to pass the exam of Certified Information Security Manager ( CISM ) quicky and easily. This app contain 631 multiple choice questions pool, with one correct answers. If you enable timer, questions must be answered in near 12 hours for all pool. For real exam, you need to answer 200 questions in 4 hours. You can remark the questions and you review question easily. In addition , you can also click the question number and jump to that question. - No internet required - Only one cost and use forever Certified Information Security Manager ( CISM ) is a certification for information security managers awarded by ISACA (formerly the Information Systems Audit and Control Association). The intent of the certification is to provide a common body of knowledge for information security management. The CISM focuses on information risk management as the basis of information security. It also includes material on broader issues such as how to govern information security as well as on practical issues such as developing and managing an information security program and managing incidents. The point of view in the certification is that of widely accepted cross-industry best practices, where information security gets its justification from business needs. The implementation includes information security as an autonomous function inside wider corporate governance. The CISM certifications tends to be sought after by both CISA and CISSP certification communities. ISACA created the CISM to help foster a better fusion between IT auditing and information security perspectives. In principle, the CISM certification is related in nature to the Information Systems Security Management Professional (ISSMP) certification from the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium. In 2005, the United States Department of Defense listed CISM, CISA and CISSP as "approved" certifications for its "Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program". Exam Content How long is the exam? What does the CISM exam cover? What is the CISM job practice analysis and how was it developed? 1. How long is the exam? A candidate is given 4 hours to complete a 200 multiple-choice question exam. 2. What does the CISM exam cover? The CISM exam will cover five information security management areas, each of which is further defined and detailed through task and knowledge statements. 3. What is the CISM job practice analysis and how was it developed? ISACA's philosophy toward certification is to measure the individuals' ability and knowledge as it pertains to the performance of their job. To define what security managers do and what they need to know ISACA brought together a task force of prominent industry leaders, subject matter experts and industry practitioners to define the job practice analysis on which the certification exam is based. Due to the importance of the job task analysis and the change experienced in the information security profession, ISACA is currently reviewing the job task analysis. In addition to the CISM's who are participating in this effort we have been joined by representatives from the Information Systems Security Association, the Information Security Forum and ASIS International. The CISM requires demonstrated knowledge in four functional areas of information security The updated current job practice analysis contains the following domains and percentages: Information Security Governance (24%) Information Risk Management and Compliance (33%) Information Security Program Development and Management (25%) Information Security Incident Management (18%) Why Employers Hire CISMs? Enterprises and government agencies increasingly recognize, require and expect their IS and IT professionals to hold CISM certification. . CISM employees: Identify critical issues and customize company-specific practices to support the governance of information and related technologies