OS X 10.9
A iOS/OSX All-In-One Development Assistant Tool. 1.JSON Data Viewer; 2.SQLite Database Tool: Data Browse,Page Navigation Data,Create/Drop/Update Table,SQL Query 3.HTTP Restful API Admin,Create Group ,Add/Remove HTTP API Define,Execute HTTP Request & Browse API Result. 4.iOS Message Push Test Tool:Add/Remove DeviceToken,Edit Push Message & Send. 5.Xcode Project File Explorer Tool:List All Images Resources,Find unused images in project. 6.iOS App Probe Tool:View Hierarchy Browse;App Notification/Observer Event Spy;HTTP Network Package Browse;SQLite/CoreData Browse On iOS Device;NSUseDefault/KeyChain Key/Value Pairs Viewer. This is just the beginning, we want to hear your suggestions and feedbacks, and constantly improve and perfect. More Info visit http://iosxtools.com/CodeInventor/documents.html Notice:1)Because of OSX Sandbox limitation,Open Xcode Project must select .xcodeproj parent folder 2)Probe Tool uses Bonjour to connect with the running iOS simulator application . it will need to be on the same network for the CodeInventor Mac application to be able to connect with it;