OS X 10.6
The program describes 42 coffee preparations from all over the world. With the help of the ingredients and the description can you do the preparations easy by yourself and enjoy. 42 Coffee Preparations: Arabian Mocca, Café à l'Orange, Café Brûlot, Café Caramel, Cafè con Panna, Cafè Corretto, Cafè Latte, Cafè Macchiato, Cafè Mocha, Cafè Ristretto, Cappuccino, Cortado, Egg Liqueur-Coffee, Iced Coffee, Espresso, Espresso Macchiato, Fiaker, Filter Coffee, Frappino, Irish Coffee, Coffee Brasiliana, Kapuziner, Latte Macchiato, Milk Coffee, Mocca, Muckefuck, Malt Coffee, Coffee Substitute, Pharisee, Scotch Coffee, Sherry Coffee, Winter Glamour, Spicy Cinnamon Coffee, Zaren Kaffee and more... Use: - Select an entry from the list (Coffee), by clicking on it - Detailed informations: Coffeename, description, ingredients, preparation, origin - Professional detail-picture in good resolution - Navigation: back, fore - Offline App - Animated Video at start