CompCalc Plus – 2018

OS X 10.10
New for the CompCalc Plus 2018 : - 2018 indemnity figures for PD and TD. - FV/PV/COLA Calculator now makes use of PV Rate Discount Compound. - PD Rating module now allows user defined grouping by region of body for application of combined value equation where multiple rating strings are involved. Standard Features: - The CompCalc Plus 2018 uses and displays the 2010 Census Data for Life Expectancy. - It also has a Present Value (PV) and Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) estimator for Life Pension and Total Disability Awards. The PV/COLA calculator estimates the total FV/PV/COLA for a given percentage of disability between 70-100% based on Age at time of first payment, Date of Injury, and inputted PV discount rate/COLA inflation rate. - Additionally, the CompCalc Plus 2018 includes the option with a tap of the screen to turn on or off the Combined Value Equation when multiple rating strings are involved. When the Combined Value Equation is turned off the adjusted PD for each rating string is aggregated rather than combined using the Combined Value Equation. - It also includes a full PD rating schedule which automatically creates a rating string adjusting the WPI given the Part of Body, Age, Occupation, and DFEC. The Plus version also incorporates a relational database for Occupation and Part of Body making input intuitive and simple. - It has a Combined Vale Equation Module which computes CVE percentage and total indemnity given percentage numbers, DOI, AWW or PD Rate (defaulting to max). - The user has an option to override default TD/PD indemnity rate in all screens (always bounded by min and max values). - The user can print, store or send the e-mail of COLA calculations. The CompCalc Plus 2018 includes a California Workers' Compensation Indemnity Calculator that calculates: - Permanent Disability - Temporary Disability - Life Pension - Supplemental Job Displacement Benefits - and Death Benefits, for the given date of industrial injury. The CompCalc Plus 2018 also calculates TD liability for a given period based on the default max weekly rate for the date of industrial injury or a TD rate based on AWW manually imputed. It also provides Life Expectancy given the current age and based upon the 2010 U.S. Life Table as provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. Other features also include a Date Calculator, full listing of QME/Body Codes, and full access to support and training videos. All Users of the CompCalc are instructed to consult the specific provisions of the California Labor Code and/or the DEU to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. It is not the intent of this product to provide legal representation, or legal advise. The user of the CompCalc Plus is encourage to retain legal counsel before using this product. The CompCalc Plus 2018 is trademarked and copyrighted and is the property of the Law Office of Richard L. Montarbo with all rights reserved.