OS X 10.8
Condense 1.6 released! Featuring "Text to Speech" and other improvements. For a little video demo check out: www.condenseapp.com Typing out has come to an end. Say ‚Hello‘ to Condense. Your easy to use optical character recognition (OCR) application. Imagine one of the following scenarios: You’re writing an essay for University and you’ve to quote from a PDF, an EBook or one of your professor’s presentations? That’s a huge amount of text to extract… Loading whole PDFs into your OCR software and cutting out the parts you want is oftentimes more time lost than won. You are watching a tutorial video on the web which contains several lines of programming code. You can’t find a link to the given example anywhere. What do you do? Retype all those lines? Now you can do better: Condense is featuring: A 3-Step Workflow: 1. Press shortcut 2. Drag area around your text 3. Paste text • Beautiful Custom UserInterface • ~35 supported language settings • almost invisible MenuBar Mode • Archive containing the last batch of 5 scans which enables you to scan multiple quotes at the same time • QuickFix technology to fix mistakes fast and efficient • Preview Window • Text to Speech • Fast rescan with improved contrast • Remove linebreaks automatically