Core Tunnel – SSH Tunnel 2

OS X 10.13
The missing ssh tunnel manager, compatible with OpenSSH, automatic and intuitive. Don't waste your time; be productive. ## Compatible with OpenSSH Everything in OpenSSH, local / remote / dynamic port forwarding types, agent forwarding, certificates, proxy jump, etc. ## Keychain Integration Core Tunnel is tightly integrated with macOS Keychain and makes your job easier than ever. ## Advanced Config Editor A handy way to edit per-host advanced options, contextual help provides immediate information for ssh directives. ## Automatic Reconnect Core Tunnel tries to restore your connections after network failure or waking up from sleep. ## Menubar Icon Control and monitor tunnels without switching out your current working window. ## Tags Have hundreds or thousands of tunnels? No problem, tags come to save. ## Go Premium Go Premium to support our development and unleash the power of Core Tunnel. • Unlimited number of hosts • Importing and exporting • Sync hosts and tags between all of your Mac computers • Scriptable (automation with AppleScript and Automator) • Prioritized customer support ### Premium License Price may vary by location: - $9.99 for one-year - $24.99 for three-year - $29.99 for lifetime ------- We'd love to answer your questions or just hear what you think about Core Tunnel: Our Community: Use the community to request support or report bug. Discuss and explore Core Tunnel’s future with us by joining the community.