Crypto: 比特币/山寨币价格监控

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50% OFF! This app displays and monitors latest prices of thousands most valuable cryptocurrencies. App features: - real-time price monitoring (!) - list of favorites cryptocurrencies - World news about Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc - detailed graphs over 24 hours, week, month, 6 months, year - drag mouse across the graph to view price at a precise date - search for more than 1000 cryptocurrencies Some of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Ethereum Classic, Dash, NEM, IOTA, Monero, Stratis, BitShares, Zcash, EOS, BitConnect, Steem, Waves, Veritaseum, AntShares, Gnosis, Bytecoin, Golem, Siacoin, Iconomi, Dogecoin, Lisk, Augur, Tether, Stellar Lumens, MaidSafeCoin, Byteball, Factom, Decred, Status, GameCredits, DigiByte, Komodo, Ardor, MCAP, DigixDAO, PIVX, TenX, Basic Attention Token, Bancor, Nxt, SingularDTV, BitcoinDark, Aragon, SysCoin, MobileGo, FirstBlood, Ark, Peercoin, Lykke, Edgeless, LEOcoin, FunFair, Ubiq, Nexus, Verge, Round, ReddCoin, DECENT, Asch, Emercoin, MonaCoin, Namecoin, Melon, Soarcoin, CloakCoin, Numeraire, Wings, DubaiCoin, Storjcoin X, LBRY Credits, Peerplays, iExec RLC, Xaurum, Etheroll, Omni, BitBay, Gulden, vSlice, Counterparty, Quantum Resistant Ledger, OBITS, Elastic, ZCoin, Storj, Synereo, BlackCoin, Quantum, SIBCoin, Skycoin, PotCoin, YbCoin, Humaniq, Viacoin, Blocknet, Mysterium, WeTrust.