Cybozu Desktop

OS X 10.10
Cybozu Desktop 2 is a desktop reminder and notification app for the Cybozu groupware. ■ Supported Groupware - Cybozu Office on - Garoon on ■ Main Features - Reminds you of appointments in your Scheduler in the Cybozu groupware - Notifies you of new updates in your apps in the Cybozu groupware ■ Details - Terminate and stay resident app - Allows to change the following notification settings: - How to display notifications on banner or alert panel - Whether to display notifications on the lock screen - How many notifications to be shown - The sound for notifications - Do Not Disturb mode (OS X 10.9 or earlier) * Badge app icon is not displayed. - Displays icon in the menu bar - Allows to select whether to start the app when Mac starts - Notification update intervals can be set between 10 and 60 minutes in 10 minutes increments. - Reminder time can be set between 5 and 30 minutes before the scheduled start time in 5 minutes increments. - The interface can be displayed in English, Japanese, and simplified Chinese.