OS X 10.7
Deliver is a utility you really should install. With Deliver you can transfer and share your contents extremely easy between your iOS and Mac OS devices. ★ Deliver for iOS ★ Find "Bubbles the Deliver" in the iOS App Store: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bubbles-the-deliver/id506646552?ls=1&mt=8 ★ Features ★ ● Share text between devices and use them for messages, emails and whatever you like ● Share files, preview them in Deliver and review them in Finder ● Lock your Deliver with password to hide it from the others, only devices using the same password can see each other ● Works in local networks, such as devices connected to same router, personal hotspot, Wi-Fi... ★ Examples of what Deliver can do... ★ ● Type text on Mac and send message or email by iPhone ● Take a photo of your friend, send it to your own iPhone or iPad via personal hotspot connection, no need of MMS ● Transfer iPhone images wirelessly to Mac without iTunes ● Send any file between your devices without any file sharing protocol ● Chat with your classmates silently in a classroom ● Every way you create and like! ★ Requirements ★ iPhone, iPad and iPod touch running iOS 5.0 or higher Mac OS X 10.7 or higher