OS X 10.10
"Imagine you know everything in your documents! Doclight aims to give you a similar experience. You will be able to search as fast as remembering." Doclight makes relevancy search through documents. Instead of checking only existency as other tools do, it analyses all pages seperately and makes a relevancy check for each of them according to given keywords. This check is similar to how a human checks documents. For example, a human is more interested on a page if it has a title containing keywords. Doclight combines all these kind of checks into a brand new algorithm. Using this algorithm, it finds the most relevant pages instantly among thousands of documents. FEATURES ● Page ranking system ● Word distance algorithm ● Emphesize power ranking (Header, title, paragraph detection) ● File name filtering ● Higher rank for up-to-date files ● Quick navigation between pages in different documents ● Highlighting keywords in different colors DOCUMENTS SUPPORTED ● PDF ● Text (TXT / RTF / HTML) ● *Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) ● *iWork (Pages, Keynote, Numbers) *Office documents needs to be converted to PDF for indexing and instant show. This conversion is done Online and doesn't require any Office application installed on your personal computer. You will have 100 online conversion tokens free with our application. WHO IS IT FOR? Analysts, researchers, teachers, students, solution designers, managers, developers, business analysts, testers and anyone who is responsible knowing information stored in their documentation. You may consider yourself as you know everything in your documentation by heart. Your meetings and research will be more productive. Your decisions will be more accurate. Enjoy!