Dynamics Calculator

OS X 10.10
Dynamics Calculator is an easy to use App that Contains 78 Dynamics Calculators Split into 3 Categories: Basic Dynamics Includes 5 Calculators: - Young Modulus of Isotropic Elastic Solids - Terminal Velocity - Impedance of Forced Oscillation - Oscillation Period of Double Pendulum - Mach Wedge Angle for Shock Waves Astrodynamics 24 Calculators: - Luminosity of Cepheid Variable - Absolute Visual Magnitude of Cepheid Variables - Black Hole Evaporation Time - Black Hole Temperature - Cosmological Recession Velocity - Relativistic Pressure - Neutron Star Degeneracy Pressure by Non-Relativistic Neutrons - Chandrasekhar Mass - Angular Radius of Einstein Ring - Absolute Magnitude of Sun I Band - Black Hole Schwarzschild Radius - Black Hole Gravitational Redshift - Gravitational Wave Luminosity - Cosmological Lambda Density Parameter - Hubble Parameter at Redshift - Hubble Law Radial Velocity - Friedmann Equation Based on Pressure - Friedmann Equation - Eddington Luminosity Limit based on Solar Mass - Eddington Luminosity Limit - Cosmological Redshift - Cosmological Matter Density Parameter - Cosmological Curvature Density Parameter - Cosmology Critical Density Thermodynamics Includes 49 Calculators: - Heat Flow - Stefan Boltzmann Law - Radiation Energy - Otto Cycle Compression Ratio (CR) - Carnot Cycle Efficiency - Stefan–Boltzmann Law - Radiant Heat Energy - Heat Transfer Rate - Thermal Linear and Volumetric Expansion - Thermal Volumetric Expansion Coefficient - Thermal Linear Expansion Coefficient - Thermal Diffusivity - Thermal Conductivity - Hall Voltage - Ehrenfest Equation for Second Order Phase Transition - Ehrenfest Equation for First Order Phase Transition - Van der Waals Force (Interaction) - Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) - Heat Transfer (Q) - Flow Coefficient (Cv) for Saturated Wet Steam - Solar Panel Capacity - Solar Panel Requirement - Van der Waals Gas Critical Pressure - Dieterici Gas Critical Pressure - Dieterici Gas Reduced Pressure - Gas Viscosity - Black Body Radiation Exitance - Reduced Van der Waals Equation of State - Critical Molar Volume of Van Der Waals Gas - Van der Waals Gas Critical Temperature - Critical Molar Volume of Dieterici Gas - Mean Free Path - Dieterici Gas Equation of State Pressure - Flow Coefficient of Air - Specific Latent Heat - Mechanical Advantage - Monatomic Gas Pressure - Fermi Energy of Fermi Gas - Fermi Temperature of Electrons - Fermi Gas Electron Heat Capacity - Density of States of Fermi Gas - Phase Transition Latent Heat - Clausius Clapeyron Relation - Phonon Lattice Thermal Conductivity - Internal Energy of Monatomic Gas - Flow Coefficient of Air and Gases for Non-Critical Pressure Drop - Convective Heat Transfer - Isentropic Flow Pressure Relation Based on Temperature - Mean Heat Transfer Rate of Heat Exchanger - Most Probable Speed in Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution - Kirchhoff's Law Radiative Transfer to Find Source Function Engineering Calculator also includes: - Formula for Each Calculator - Description for Each Calculator - Copy Answer Button - Clear Button