EarthQuick – Quick Earthquake Info

OS X 10.10
EarthQuick - A simple earthquake realtime information service and application It's a project including a simple RESTful API to retrieve data from CEIC and USGS system through simple extractor. Because different earthquake monitor system provides different format of data, and they usually include data from different stations, we have to visit various website to get messages about earthquake that has happened all around the globe. For those who live nearby some earthquake area, EarthQuick will be your easy and awesome tool to get notification from a multi-system earthquake monitor platform. So, it took me little time to build a simple RESTful service on Github. And this app is just based on this RESTful service. The data extractor will run every five minutes and push the data to Github. There is a polling request that will grab the new data and send local notification on your screen. Furthermore, you can click the View More button to view all the current earthquake data on a map view. Move your mouse pointer over the marker, then you can see earthquake details on the popover. Want to get the information about earthquake more quickly? Try EarthQuick! - Support Email: