OS X 10.6
Emergency medical technician (EMT) or ambulance technician are terms used in some countries to denote a health care provider of emergency medical services. EMTs are clinicians, trained to respond quickly to emergency situations regarding medical issues, traumatic injuries and accident scenes. This app includes many materials needed to pass your EMT exam. Features include: - hundreds of test questions - “Need to Know” section explaining what you need to know about national EMS certification - “How To” section explaining the steps needed to take the NREMT Exam - “Fees” section showing exam fees for 2007-2017, as well as the fee increase after 2017 for all NREMT levels - “Apply Now” section which allows you to apply for the exam and shows first time pass rates for previous years - various tips for passing the exam - statistics for every test taken with this app - easy to use, intuitive interface - FREE updates If you have any questions, please send us an email at contact@solazdazen.com