English Dictionary – Offline (Premium Version)

OS X 10.8
***** English Dictionary And Hangman Game - Offline ***** Features: - More than 172000 words. - More than 180,000 senses and 49,000 sample sentences. - Includes the "Hang On, man" Game - Include a flash card system to facilitate learning new words and several articles about English grammar. - You can create your own flashcards and word lists. - Includes quality sounds for phrases and words. - Full list of regular and irregular verbs - Fast, as it works offline; internet is used only for a few features. - Includes bookmarks and history. + Learn English with the lessons of English grammar included in the dictionary: - Verb tense - Simple Present - Verb tense - Simple Past - Verb tense - Simple Future - Verb tense - Present Continuous - Verb tense - Past Continuous - Verb tense - Future Continuous - Verb tense - Present Perfect - Verb tense - Past Perfect - Verb tense - Future Perfect - Verb tense - Present Perfect Continuous - Verb tense - Past Perfect Continuous - Verb tense - Future Perfect Continuous - Irregular verbs - Conditionals - Zero conditional - Conditionals - First conditional - Conditionals - Second conditional - Conditionals - Third conditional - Conditionals - Mixed conditional - Conjunctions - Coordinating conjunctions - Conjunctions - Correlative conjunctions - Conjunctions - Subordinating conjunctions - Comparative and Superlative Adjectives - Singular and Plural Nouns - Count Nouns and Uncountable Nouns - Possessive Nouns - Pronouns - Action Verbs - Adjectives - Adverbs - Active / Passive Verb Forms - Mood for Grammar - Auxiliary Verbs Be, Do, Have - Auxiliary Verbs Will/Would and Shall/Should - Auxiliary Verbs Can/Could and May/Might/Must - Prepositions On, At, and In - Prepositions Of, To, and For - Prepositions With, Over, and By - Indefinite and Definite Articles - Interjections - Capitalization + Other good dictionaries that you can download: - Dictionary.com - Dictionary - Merriam-Webster - English Dictionary - Offline - LEO dictionary - Oxford Dictionary - Collins English Dictionary + Keywords: * English Dictionary * Diccionari Anglès * Fjalor Anglisht * Engleski rječnik * anglický slovník * Engels woordenboek * angla Vortaro * inglise sõnaraamat * Ingles Diksyunaryo * Englanti Sanakirja * Dictionnaire Anglais * dicionario de inglés * Englisch Wörterbuch * inglise sõnaraamat * Ingles Diksyunaryo * Englanti Sanakirja * Dictionnaire Anglais * Englisch Wörterbuch * angle Diksyonè * Angol Szótár * Dizionario Inglese * Kamus Inggris * anglicus Dictionary * angļu vārdnīca * anglų kalbos žodynas * Bahasa Inggeris Kamus * Dicionário de Inglês * engleză Dicționar * словарь английского языка * Anglický slovník * angleški slovar * Diccionario Inglés * kamusi ya Kiingereza - Improve your vocabulary by learning new words - English Dictionary - Offline - Learn English Grammar - Flashcard System - Irregular Verbs - Hangman Game - KET Examination - PET Examination