OS X 10.11
Fundr is designed to: - Keep track of grad students (or other personnel) in terms of how many months they have funding in a given year as well as which grants are funding them - Keep track of all grants and automatically calculate hidden costs (e.g., overhead for subcontracts/subawards, fringe, etc.) - Simplify adding expenses to a grant (e.g., equipment, travel) Fundr has been developed in response to the complaints of numerous professors that no software exists that is tailored to their need to manage personnel and grants. This is a time-consuming aspect of being employed as a faculty member that is often unanticipated by new hires. Not having any assistance managing finances or personnel as a professor is often a daunting task, resulting in a great deal of stress and wasted time. Professors would prefer to utilize their time conducting research and teaching. No other software has been designed from the ground up by asking faculty what they want and need in financial management software.