OS X 10.9
GFXBench is a comprehensive cross-platform and cross-API 3D graphics benchmark that measures graphics performance, long-term performance stability, render quality and battery with a single, easy-to-use application. You can compare your results with all the other uploaded results inside the app on the Compare Page and at our website: https://gfxbench.com/result.jsp On the Info Tab, you can review the hardware and graphics capabilities of your device. Please note that the app requires an active Internet connection, and you have to allow outgoing data traffic to run all of the tests. If you do not allow outgoing traffic you will be only able to run a simple test (plus browse results and inspect hardware info). Outgoing data means only: • Hardware data to identify your device • Test results • Crash report with log file in case of a crash • No other data will be sent. With the collected data you help us to establish a database of results. Tests: • Manhattan • T-Rex • ALU • Alpha Blending • Driver Overhead • Fill • Battery Test • Render Quality • Render Quality (high precision) If you need any help, please contact us via email: help@gfxbench.com