Hacker News YC

OS X 10.9
Read Hacker News (http://news.ycombinator.com) articles and comments with this clean, simple, modern looking and fast performing universal app. • Upvote stories • Reply • Upvote or downvote comments • One touch saving to Pocket or Readability to read it later Themes • A beautiful design user interface with loads of customizable options • Change color, font and text size • Night theme (Dark Theme) Filter stories by • Ask/Show HN • Today/Yesterday/Week's best stories • Noob/Newest stories • Who is hiring? & Freelancers • YC Jobs • Share stories and comments • Articles are presented in a readable mode using readability. • Options to open other links in built in or external browser • Poll result as a bar chart • Tap on the "Time ago" in the comment to collapse the comment and replies • Tap on the user id to see user's profile Found a bug, got stuck, have a suggestion? Drop me an email at apps@premii.com Follow me on: Twitter - http://twitter.com/premii Share this HackerNews app with your friends