Icons Express is the little brother to Icons 3.0. Icons Express comes with all of the essential features you would need to generate and preview iOS, Android and custom sized Icons.
Icons Express is perfect if you don't want to add a lot of extras to your icons. See below for the included features that Icon Express offers.
- Preview with Rounded Corners
- Preview with Shine & Rounded Corners
- Export with Rounded Corners
- Export with Shine & Rounded Corners
- Export for iPhone, iPad and iPhone 4
- Export for Android
- Export Custom Size
- Export iTunesArtwork (512 x 512)
- Set a Custom Icon Name
Icons Express is simple to use. Just drag your 512x512 image file into the app and Icons Express will immediately load all of the icon previews to instantly see how your icons will look in all available sizes. What you do from there is up to you, when you are satisfied with the outcome, export your icons for immediate use.
If you want to see all that Icons Express has to offer please consider purchasing Icons 3.0 the ultimate Icon generation tool for all of your icon needs.
Supports PSD, PNG, TIFF, BMP, JPEG and many other file formats.
If you have any questions / comments / suggestions / issues you can visit the support site and leave a comment or email me at chris@chris-fletcher.com I try to answer all comments on the same day I receive them.