OS X 10.10
Internet for Mac: A Revolution in Web Browsing Internet is Modern Education: The very first Search-Oriented Web Browser. Casually Search: Open up a New Search any time. It’s simple like an Appliance! This new interface makes your computer into a "web browsing appliance", rather than like a "now old school" computer program (like Internet Explorer or Safari). Find information more easily, more like an everyday task – the new everyday, of the 21st century, in the information age. The First Web Browser Based Around Search: Introducing, An Interface for Search ⇢ Your Search is the interface. ⇢ All the Search result web pages are the Sidebar. ⇢ Result pages that you open are the Tabs. There's never been anything like it. You're seeing early here, before everyone else, what companies like Apple will adopt, the future of the web browser. A Web Browser Designed for Information, Research & Learning Internet is a web browser designed for information. It’s designed specifically for searching topics, reading, and learning. It makes it easy to sift through information. Finding information becomes a more natural, leisurely, ergonomic task. Age of the Internet: This Is The Future The interface is the future of the web browser. It’s an ideal form, an ideal interface, to the internet, for information. Elegant like an iApp of Steve Jobs Apple Lore, or the vision of the iMac. The Idealism that made us excited for Internet-age software innovation in the first place. Try it. You’ll love it. New Education Software, The New Modern, the Enlightenment Like the renaissance, the first enlightenment, this idealist new browser represents another giant leap ahead in to the Information Age – or to the second enlightenment – this time with technology. Combine enlightenment-like principles with technology, and human potential may be better than we think. Software is an important medium, only just begun. Love of learning encouraged. Think Different. ––––––– REVIEWS '“Internet” web browser, a new paradigm in surfing– 'I already like this web browser. It has a fresh slant on how you search and it turns out to be rather effective. … Andrew Kaz could be a genius, only time will tell. His new web browser is still a web browser yet somehow it manages to focus you while you are searching and enable you to get better results.' -Dr Bob Tech Blog I totally agree with this being a much “faster” way of finding exactly what you need. I love having other options right in front of me as I navigate back and forth in order to collect information. This saves a tremendous amount of time I love this app, it takes me directly to where I want to be with no “middlemen” in between. Fantastic idea, it’s simple and a beauty! -Liz It’s different because of the layout– it’s simpler. Ultimately this allows you to find what you need faster. I think it’s best used for compiling research in a more organized way. -Kalla It offers a really easy to navigate interface. I’m doing research right now for a paper and I love that my search results stay at the left of the screen as I toggle in between the tabs I’m using. That feature in itself makes it really useful for me. Instead of having to right click and open a new tab every time I find something new and incessantly go back to my search results page, it’s all right there in the same window. That, to me, rocks– especially because it’s something so simple that hasn’t existed until now. -Anna Sun