JGMsmart.TC – Type & Calculate

OS X 10.8
JGMsmart.TC - Type & Calculate - is a simple calculator wich does not require the complex surface of a conventional calculator. The formula to be calculated is simply entered and calculated with a keystroke. JGMsmart.TC can be accessed at any tima via an icon in the taskbar that is always just a click away. JGMsmart.TC supports the following functions: Operators: + - * / ^ ( ) % ! ... and many more Functions: abs, sqrt, cbrt, sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh, ln, log2, log, floor, ceil ... and many more With these functions you can create complex formulas that can be stored for later use. So you can create your own formula collection. The result of the calculation can be stored in a variable that you can use in further calculations. You can use constants in the calculations that can be added to the formula by a click. Predefined are following constants: Pi - Archimedes constant e - Eulers number sqrt2 - Pythagoras constant, square root of 2 g - Acceleration due to gravity G - Newtonian constant of gravitation c - Speed of light kB - Boltzmann constant Other constants can easily be added. The calculation result can be manually or automatcally copied to the pasteboard and is thus available in other applications. Please send your feedback to support@jgmsmart.de and rate this app.