Kamus Lengkap Quiz Game

OS X 10.7
The interactive quiz game edition of Kamus Lengkap is now available on this platform. Play the game and compete your score with your friends on Game Center. Playing this game is an excellent fun way to improve your English vocabulary and your Indonesian vocabulary. If you know the answer? Great! If not, it's even better! You just learned a new word, so you can not lose and nothing to lose! “Bermain game ini adalah cara bermain sambil belajar yang sangat baik untuk mengembangkan kosa kata Bahasa Inggris dan kosa kata Bahasa Indonesia anda. Jika Anda tau jawabannya? Hebat! Jika tidak, bahkan itu lebih bagus! Anda baru saja mempelajari kata baru, jadi Anda tidak mungkin kalah dan tidak rugi!” Features: - Unlimited English - Indonesian quizzes. - Unlimited Indonesian - English quizzes. - Easy and hard difficulty levels. - Shows the correct answer when your answer was wrong. - compete your score with your friends on Game Center. - Shared leaderboards and achievements (Game Center groups). - Good graphics and animation. - Good music and sounds. - Full screen and window modes. - Could work either online or offline (No internet connection required).