Kaufmann – calculations for retailers

OS X 10.10
Get down to business! Buying and selling? Say goodbye to rough margin, cash discount, tax, reduction, and interest calculations – as a buyer, seller or distributor you’ll always have an immediate and precise overview of all your figures. Merchant is your flexible calculator: you select the calculation and enter the figures you know – Merchant tells you the rest. This app offers everything you typically need to calculate or know during negotiations quickly, precisely, and above all spontaneously. This includes the sales tax rates of 59 countries* as well as special tax rates and taxation types covering a wide range of industries (food, agriculture). Always calculate your figures in advance? Great! But how often have you faced unforeseen problems? - I need the unit price but only have the package weight price. - I know my margin and the price at which I can sell: at which price do I need to buy? - My supplier gives me a reduction and a cash discount but I’ve got to factor in delivery costs. How does that alter my buying price?  - As a manufacturer, what margin is left over for me once I’ve deducted the retailer’s and distributor’s margin as well as the manufacturing costs? Merchant’s functions don’t stop there – it also includes a banker function which helps you calculate interest and compound interest. And even when you just want to simply add up quantities: a standard calculator offers you a helping hand. Calculations offered: - Value Added Tax - Discount margin - Reduction/cash discount - Markup - Base price - Rebate in kind - Kilo to unit - Interest + compound interest - Rule of three - Sales price calculation scheme factoring in delivery surcharges - Amortization calculator for investments - Manufacturing/gross profit per unit costing - Effective margin factoring in write-downs - EAN check digits - Days of holiday calculator Merchant lets you find answers to typical questions quickly: - What is an item’s base price? - I’ve got the gross amount: what’s the net amount and sales tax? - I’ve got a cash discount: how much is the total discount and the new net amount? - Which is more lucrative: a cash discount or credit interest? - Is it worth paying the invoice on the due date? - At which point is it worth investing given a saving of X? - By how much do I need to increase my sales price to compensate for item write-downs? Merchant tells you: precisely, simply, quickly. Mac features: you can open multiple windows and thus perform calculations next to each other. Also available for iOS. Get down to business – use Merchant to calculate your figures. What are you using Merchant for? We always like to learn more about you and how you are using Merchant. Like to use Merchant, but there’s something stopping you? We’d also like to hear from you even if this is the case. Need help? Click ‘Developer’s Website’ – we can’t answer questions posted in the Ratings and Reviews. *) Click this link for a list of countries supported: https://keitgen.zendesk.com/hc/articles/200299992 Merchant is not a wage or income tax calculator.