KF Eng Polish Dictionary

OS X 10.9
Thoroughly updated with the latest vocabulary, The New Kosciuszko Foundation Dictionary in the form of an offline/online mobile application is one of the largest English - Polish dictionaries ever published. KEY FEATURES: •142,000 headwords, 109,000 idioms and phrases and 439,000 translations •features the American variety of English, British and Australian •this application provides 100% offline functionality •detailed view of all headwords •a simplified guide to grammar and pronunciation in both languages included •autolinks: automatic navigation from word to word in the dictionary •ability to change the font size •program interface available in Polish, English SEARCH TOOLS •Search full text allows you to look up words efficiently throughout the whole dictionary content, including headwords, idioms, expressions, and translations •Search-as-you-type in both languages feature automatically chooses the part of the Dictionary: English-Polish or Polish-English and helps you find words quickly by displaying predictions as you type •Search idiomatic expressions by entering a word or words (i.e.: “bird”, “Stone” finds: “kill two birds with one stone”) LEARNING TOOLS: •Memory panel allows you to save your favorite words •Recent list helps you review looked-up words The distinctive feature of the Dictionary is that it is based on American English, although characteristic British usage, as well as forms typical of other varieties of English, have also been noted. The richness of lexical information, including not only everyday expressions, but also technical terminology, literary language, and archaic vocabulary, makes the dictionary an indispensable tool in the hands of both English and Polish speakers, irrespective of their degree of proficiency in the other language. The present dictionary app is a new digital version of the revised New Kosciuszko Foundation English - Polish Dictionary, edited by Jacek Fisiak, Arleta Adamska-Salaciak, Piotr Gasiorowski and Michal Jankowski, and published in two volumes by the Kosciuszko Foundation (New York) and Universitas (Kraków) in 2003. The following people, all associated with the Faculty of English of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, have contributed to this edition: Arleta Adamska-Salaciak (editor-in-chief), Michal Jankowski (technical editor); and lexicographers: Agnieszka A. Apenuvor, Renata Budzynska, Marta Grochocka-Sidorowicz, Magdalena Perdek, Sylwia Wojciechowska, Malgorzata Zawilinska-Janas. The compilation of the Dictionary was financed principally from the funds of the Kosciuszko Foundation and a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland. Founded in 1925, the Kosciuszko Foundation promotes closer ties between Poland and the United States through educational, scientific and cultural exchanges. It awards up to $1 million annually in fellowships and grants to graduate students, scholars, scientists, professionals, and artists, and promotes Polish culture in America. All proceeds from the sale of the Dictionary will be used to further the KF’s educational and cultural programs and activities. Absolutna nowość – Nowy Słownik Fundacji Kościuszkowskiej w postaci aplikacji mobilnej off-line/on-line, uaktualniony i wzbogacony o najnowsze słownictwo, to jeden z najobszerniejszych słowników angielsko-polskich i polsko-angielskich. Jako efekt dlugotrwalej pracy i badań słownik zawiera: • niemal 142.000 wyrazów hasłowych, 109,000 wyrażeń i zwrotów oraz 439.000 tłumaczeń. • współczesny język mówiony i pisany, terminologie specjalistyczną, język literacki i słownictwo dawne • koncentracja na amerykańskiej odmianie języka angielskiego • nie wymagany dostęp do internetu • krótki zarys gramatyki i wymowy w obu językach • NARZĘDZIA WYSZUKIWANIA: cały tekst, autouzupełnianie, szukanie wyrażeń idiomatycznych • POMOC W NAUCE: zapisywanie ulubionych słów; lista ostatnio szukanych słów pomaga w ich powtórce