Login & Awake Sound – The easy solution for playing music at log in and wake up

OS X 10.6
Login & Awake Sound is a tiny, but very useful app, that enables you to specify a sound or a music file, that is played every time you log in to your Mac or when your Mac awakes. It's simple user interface lets you specify which sound file you want to be played at login or wake up (it won't let you change the startup chime that is played, when the Mac is powered on). If you were a windows user, that has migrated to Mac OS X and you are missing the log in sound, this is the app for you. If you have a very long sound and you want only a portion of it to be played Login & Awake Sound can help you. You can specify a range from where to where the sound is played. To make your experience of Login Sound a pleasure Login & Awake Sound can fade the sound in and fade it out! it's as simple as riding a bike! Don't wait - use it. Login & Awake Sound supports mp3, wav, caf, aiff and m4a file formats. You can use a standard or administrator user account to set the login sound.