OS X 10.10
Megawords is for people who love words. It can be used to help solve crossword puzzles and other word games, to find rhymes for songs or poems, or just to play around with anagrams and find out the meanings of unusual words. It includes a dictionary of over 400,000 words with wildcard, rhyme and anagram searches, plus support for SOWPODS and TWL dictionaries. The basic word search features can be used without an internet connection. If you have an internet connection, Megawords can also look up word definitions for the search results in online dictionaries. Thesaurus results will also be shown if found. FEATURES: - anagram search (works offline) - rhyme search (works offline) - wildcard search (crossword solver mode, works offline) - dictionary lookup of word meanings (multiple dictionaries, online only) - thesaurus lookup (online only) - search SOWPODS or TWL or both