MenuTab for Imgur – Discover, View, Share & Upload Images from Menu Bar

OS X 10.7
Enjoy the most elegant and easiest Imgur app experience right from your menu bar. MenuTab for Imugr is the perfect app for accessing Imugr right from menu bar. Simply click it in the menu bar and you can discover, view, and share pictures faster than ever. If you love Imgur, you’re gonna love it being one click away. Features: • Menu Bar App / Desktop Modes - Easily switch between menu bar app mode and desktop mode. • Always Visible - Always show the app while in menu bar app mode, even when you’re on other tasks. • Always on Top - It can always stay on top of other windows. • Color Customization - You can customize the color of the border. • Opacity Customization - It can be transparent. And it displays at 100% when your mouse hovers over it, and goes back to the chosen opacity when the mouse is out. • Compact View - Browse Imugr in compact view when in menu bar app mode. • Flexible Window - You can adjust the window size however you like. • Auto Open at Login - This app runs automatically when you turn on your Mac. • Customizable Shortcuts - Shortcuts for Activation, Regular/Compact View, Desktop/Menu Bar App Modes, Previous Page, Next Page, and Refresh. And those shortcuts are totally customizable. If you have problems or questions, please send an email to for tech support.