Metadata Editor

OS X 10.9
The MetadataEditor is a program for viewing and editing image metadata. All most popular image formats are supported, and namely: JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, GIF etc. For viewing ALL metadata saved in the image file are available such as EXIF, AUXEXIF, TIFF, GIF, IPTC etc. The most of them are available for editing, including deletion and adding new ones. It allows to view metadata from both the computer's hard disc as well as directly from the Internet without intermediate copying to the hard disc. The program uses the operating system tools for metadata access and editing, thus exiftools are not used. EXIF 2.3 standard is supported completely. The program will be also useful for metadata-applying software developers. For the most of metadata tags presented in EXIF 2.3 standard tag and data type description is provided, and for the NSDictionary type a list of key - object pairs is provided. Pop-up helps over the tag name will help to define a data type, which description is not available.