OS X 10.6
MTS Wrapper is a simple and powerful video tools.It is designed for camcorder and rewrap mts m2ts ts AVCHD files to mov format.MTS Wrapper is able to quickly convert MTS and M2T files into playable QuickTime files, without generation loss or transcoding. Key features: * Easy rewrap mts m2ts m2t ts files into QuickTime movies * Support multi audio stream,all audio stream will be rewrap into the output file * Also Support BD m2ts files. * Faster than transcoding * No generation loss * compatible with FCPX,Quick Time and iMovie * Preserves metadata Simple,elegant,and fast, MTS Wrapper eliminates the headaches normally associated with working with AVCHD and HDV media.It converts you unwatchable AVCHD(.mts or .m2ts) and HDV(.m2t) files into fully functioning QuickTime movies so you can use them in all your favorite apps,and even preview them right in the Finder. If you have any question about this product,please contact moonzalor@gmail.com.I will receive a replay as soon as possible.