MultiMarkdown Converter Pro

OS X 10.11
MultiMarkdown Converter Pro is a completely new utility from MultiMarkdown Software, designed to make using MMD even easier! MMD easily converts plain text into: * HTML for web pages * EPUB 3 for ebook readers * LaTeX for creating high-quality PDFs * Flat OpenDocument files for use in LibreOffice or other word processors MultiMarkdown itself is a command-line program that is open-source and freely available. Using it requires typing commands into the Terminal, such as: multimarkdown file.txt > output.html MultiMarkdown is not overly complicated, but not everyone wants to use command-line programs. Some people prefer to stick with more familiar applications, dragging and dropping files, etc. That's where MultiMarkdown Converter comes in. MMD Converter allows you to simply drag and drop text files, and it quickly converts them into the format you desire. There are no terminal commands to remember -- just check a few boxes to easily control MMD's behavior. ## Features ## * MMD v6 built-in * Multiple output file formats: * HTML 5 * EPUB 3 (including images) * LaTeX (including beamer or memoir) * Flat OpenDocument * Support for CriticMarkup -- track changes in your document, collaborate with others while revising documents, etc. * "Smart" typography conventions for English, Dutch, French, German, and Swedish * Batch processing of multiple files at once * No need to update MultiMarkdown yourself -- new versions of MultiMarkdown Converter will be released when MMD is modified. ## Why Should I Use MultiMarkdown Converter? ## If you currently use MMD in the Terminal, you may not need MMD Converter. It uses the same MMD you already know and love. You probably already appreciate the power and flexibility of command-line programs -- they can be used in ways that graphical applications can't. Current MMD users, however, may indeed find that MMD Converter's drag-and-drop interface makes for a more convenient workflow. For many, this feature may provide an advantage over command-line programs. Additionally, MultiMarkdown Converter will be updated automatically by macOS. No need for you to remember to reinstall MMD each time a new version is released. Maybe you're new to the idea of Markdown/MultiMarkdown and want to experiment with an easy-to-use application, but you're not ready to invest in a full-featured editor such as MultiMarkdown Composer. No problem -- MMD Converter works easily alongside your favorite text editor. After you've tried out MultiMarkdown Converter Pro, please take a moment to leave a review on the App Store -- as you know, reviews are vitally important to helping new users discover great applications! Thank you!