OS X 10.7.4
NFC Tools - KeyBoard Controller is a simple tool that allow you to control your keyboard with an NFC chip. You want use a tag to auto-fill a client ID input box ? Easy, just click into the input field and scan the chip. NFC Tools - KBC read your NFC chip content and paste it where you want on your computer. To fit your needs, you can also use some additional options, like save into your clipboard or automatically press enter. How it's works ? Simple, you just need to write a TEXT record on your NFC chip. You can do this with NFC Tools for Desktop or other similar apps. Then connect you NFC reader, keep NFC Tools KBC open, and scan your NFC chip. Important: To use NFC Tools KBC, you need: A compatible NFC Reader, with associated drivers and PC/SC library. Tested NFC Readers : ACR122U, ACR122T, ACR1255, ACR1256, ACR1252U, ACR1222L, ACR1255U-J1, SCM SCL3711, ... And obviously, some compatible NFC Chips that contains TEXT records. Tested NFC chips : Mifare Ultralight, Mifare Ultralight C, NTAG203, NTAG210, NTAG212, NTAG213, NTAG215, NTAG216 , Mifare Classic 1k/4k, ... If you encounter any problem, don’t hesitate to contact me.