OS X 10.12
Notes4Me is a powerful, easy to use app for creating notes to yourself. It fits in the space between traditional to-do list and notebook-style apps. It runs in your Mac's menu bar, so it is always available whenever you need to create a new note or view your notes. You can watch a video demo of Notes4Me at: https://youtu.be/eZXHK-q4F1g FEATURES: • Sync your notes with Notes4Me on your iPhone, iPad, and other Macs with iCloud. • Notes4Me can recognize addresses, links, phone numbers, dates and times, flight numbers, and package tracking numbers. Click them to get directions, make phone calls, check a package delivery status and more. • Pin important notes to the top of the list. • An optional badge on Notes4Me's menu bar icon tells you how many notes you currently have. • You can also pin the Notes4Me window so it stays open and visible when you switch to other apps. • Share your notes with other apps, such as Mail and Reminders. • Notes4Me's share extension lets you send notes to Notes4Me from other apps using the Share button. • Accessibility is supported via VoiceOver. • Light and dark user interface modes.