Intel 64 / OS X
$ 9.99
Pastebot saves everything you copy so that you can quickly recall them in the future. Save and organize frequently-used clippings into custom pasteboards and create keyboard shortcuts to access pasteboards and paste specific clippings. Build filters with a live preview and apply them as you paste. Create keyboard shortcuts to quickly paste using your filters and export your filters to share with other Pastebot users. Pastebot is there when you need it and invisible when you don’t. Quickly access your clippings from any app and search, preview, or filter clippings before pasting. You can even set the order of clippings to paste in sequence. With iCloud enabled, your main clipboard, custom pasteboards and filters sync across all of your computers running Pastebot. Your clipboard and filters will be on every mac you work on. Create custom pasteboard groups to organize important clippings you want to save and re-use. Assign keyboard shortcuts to clippings you use most often. macOS Sierra’s Universal Clipboard works alongside Pastebot. Copy a clipping in Pastebot and paste it on your iOS device via Universal Clipboard. Features Pastebot works in full-screen and split-screen mode. Running in split-screen mode allows you to use Pastebot as a scratch pad. Choose from various quick paste window styles to suit your preferences, always paste in plain text, enable release-to-paste and more. There are apps you copy from that you never want stored in Pastebot. Just add that application to the blacklist and Pastebot will ignore it. Find a clipping quickly with Pastebot’s powerful search capabilities. Search based on content or metadata. You can search by application, date, data type and more. Pastebot features many keyboard shortcuts to satisfy any copy & paste maestro. Paste the previous item on the clipboard or paste the current clipping while applying the last used filter.


Pastebot for macOS:传奇剪贴板管理利器复活

知道 Pastebot 这款产品的朋友都会不小心暴露你的年龄,有的时候你不得不发出这种感慨:“岁月真特么是把杀猪刀啊”,一款 App 都有近六年的历史了,更别说那些被淹没在史海中的开发者和果粉们了(想表达啥?)。Pastebot 最早诞生于 iPhone OS 3.0 的时代,那时应该还是 iPho...