OS X 10.6.6
Pay It Down is an easy-to-use application that helps you calculate and visualize the best strategy for getting out of debt. Use Pay It Down to determine the debt repayment time for a simple loan or credit card debt, or enter more information and Pay It Down will graph your total personal debt profile and calculate when you will be completely debt free. Use the Additional Payment Settings to see how adding a small amount to your monthly payment can shave months or even years off of your debt repayment plan. Or, use Pay It Down to compare two or more different loan offers before deciding which to sign up for.  Just record the basic information for each loan, and Pay It Down will calculate the total interest and monthly payment – critical factors in determining which loan offer is a better deal. In today’s economy, people are looking for more ways to be smart about money. Paying off existing debt is one of the best ways to save money, and seeing a graph that shows your debt going down is a great motivator. Pay It Down is a creative interactive tool that can be used by parents and educators to teach responsible money management.