Porn Block Plus

OS X 10.11
Worried that your Internet surfing children could accidentally expose themselves to mature and inappropriate content such as porn? Now, become free from worries by simply installing Porn Block Plus for Mac. It is a simple extension for Safari web browser that automatically blocks any obscene or pornographic websites, images and links so you can browse the internet without embarrassment. Make surfing the Internet safe and free from explicit and ill-suited pages or images for kids. This extension is integrated in Safari and doesn’t require a third party browser. Simply install and enable it to prevent any websites or webpages related to pornography from opening on your Mac. It not only blocks explicit websites, but also filters any explicit images or links containing pornographic content from the web. There is no subscription nor any fee involved; just install and use with Safari, absolutely free. You don’t need to register to enable the extension. Simply toggle it on from Safari preferences and enjoy porn-free Internet.