Return on Investment Calculator

OS X 10.7
Return on Investment Calculator is to measure, per period, rates of return on money invested in an economic entity in order to decide whether or not to undertake an investment. By clearly understanding the original investment, investment return and term, you will know return on investment, simple annual ROI and compound annual ROI. Return on Investment can be calculated by equation method as followed: P = years*12 + months, GL = IR – I, R = GL / I, SR = R *12 / P, CR = R^(12/P) – 1. Where, P is the investment peroid, I is the original investment, IR is the investment return, GL is thegain or loss, R is the reutrn on investment, SR is the simple annual ROI and CR is the compound annual ROI Features: *Elegantly simple and intuitive user interface *Sending results to friends and family by email. *Quickly copy value to your clipboard *Viewing the history record of calculation