OS X 10.12
Digital content is rad, their total desktop takeover is not. With some media players, it can be hard to watch a movie and use your computer for, well, anything else. Audio visualization is sweet, but it's always in the way, forget about it. If finding a good place for your media player feels like a stroll through Mordor, let SkyBee Player be your guide. SkyBee Player brings enjoying your digital media into the 21st century. By altering combinations of transparency, size and position, SkyBee Player saves you time by staying out of your way. More importantly, when you’re trying to be productive, it saves you cognitive cycles. Mix it up! SkyBee Player now supports images. Just when things get dull and you want to be done, a picture of your most beloved moments or Earth's endless beauty may be just the medicine your brain needs to boost productivity. FEATURES • Plays most digital media formats (see list below) • Four different escape tactics • Customizable position • Configurable transparency • Plays across Desktop workspaces • Slim design • Audio visualization • Intuitive controls • Apple AirPod removal detection • SRT Subtitle support • Mixed content playlists (movies, songs and images) SUPPORTED FORMATS: Video: MOV, MKV, AVI, FLV, MP4, MPEG, SWF, WEBM, WMV, VOB, MTS, M4V, 3GP Audio: AAC, ADTS, AC3, AIF, AIFF, AIFC, CAF, MP3, M4A, SND, AU, SD2, WAV Image: PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF