Snowflower EPUB Validator

OS X 10.7.4
The Snowflower EPUB Validator can easily check the problem of EPUB format e-books. Even if you apply for registration of an e-book created by you to the store, even if you do not pass the review due to the problem of the EPUB file, or if the review goes through, the purchaser’s e-book reader may display problems. The Snowflower EPUB Validator automatically and quickly finds problems that are hard to find by visual inspection and reports it clearly. If you check the EPUB file for problems before registering to the store, It is possible to suppress the occurrence of problems. ## Features * Supports specification of EPUB 2 & 3 * Easy operation of drag & drop of EPUB file is possible * EPUB problems are reported at three severity levels: fatal, error, and warning. * Work offline without uploading EPUB files to external server. * IDPF EpubCheck 4.0.2 built-in ## Notes The Snowflower EPUB Validator strictly checks EPUB specifications. Therefore, a major EPUB leader may also detect potential problems with compatibility that will not cause problems.