Spanish Thesaurus

OS X 10.6.6
Our Apps have been Featured by Apple in “New & Noteworthy” in USA, Spain and other countries and have been many a time rated by our customers in the App Store as the most outstanding, comprehensive and extensive Spanish dictionaries available anywhere. WORKS OFFLINE - Connection required only for voices and spell-check. What makes this Spanish Thesaurus unique? • The fact that you may enter set phrases, not only single terms, as valid entries • The fact that you may obtain synonyms of parts of speech usually not included in other thesauruses, such as exclamations, prepositional phrases and idiomatic verbs. Even proverbs have their synonyms! • The sheer number included in the database, no less than 968,000 synonyms and 369,000 antonyms, antonyms, is not equaled by any book in existence • Meaning Descriptors to help distinguish between the different meanings a word. • Strict coherence of each synonym set. Transitive verbs yield only transitive synonyms. Intransitive verbs yield intransitive synonyms. Meanings and connotations of words are never mixed. Latest additions: • Four incredible New premium Spanish voices! • Embedded Tutorial. • You may enter now plurals or feminines as valid entries. • Background color and font selection from among 19 different themes. • Fuzzy Search: Detects misspelled words and offers close suggestions. • Natural-sounding voices in English. Voices powered by iSpeech.