Intel 64 / OS X / Intel 32
$ 16.95
Spotless is a simple utility designed to disable and enable Spotlight's auto indexing with the click of a button. The hostconfig file is read during the boot process to determine which services will be running once the computer has finished booting. Spotless changes the SPOTLIGHT entry in the hostconfig file from -YES- to -NO- or from -NO- to -YES-. A restart will be required to apply the change. Please note that Spotlight searching will not be available until Spotlight indexing is enabled. This includes the "find" functionality of the Finder. The purpose of this tool is to disable Spolight indexing for a limited time while functions that Spotlight interferes with are performed - such as creating bootable backups, or performance issues related to new Mac OS X installations / upgrades.


Spotless:自动整理 Mac 文件利器

在日常使用 Mac 的过程中,硬盘里的文件总是越来越多,无论是你自己创建的文档,还是下载的图片、压缩包等。如果不加以整理,你的「桌面」「下载」等文件夹就会变得越来越凌乱,以至于越来越难以找到你想要的资料,影响使用效率。Spotless 最新的 macOS Mojave 系统为此专门推出了「叠加」功能...