OS X 10.9
TidyMyDesktop is a easy and convenient app to manage your desktop files, and it keeps your desktop clear. TidyMyDesktop moves all files on your actual Desktop to another place on your computer. And TidyMyDesktop provides a status menu to access all desktop files. TidyMyDesktop classifies desktop files: All files, Pictures, Documents, Archives, folders, Other. And it can search all the desktop files. You can manage all desktop files by the status menu. You can use the right click menu or the keyboard shortcuts. "Command - C" to copy the select file or folder "Command - I" to reveal the select file or folder in Finder "Command - O" to open the file or folder "Command - R" to restore the file or folder to the desktop. You can preview the detail information and content of files from status menu. One-click-delete moves files and folder to the trash. Automatic tidy the desktop, and the date is customisable on Preferences panel. Please shoot us an email if you have need idea about product or have any questions. support@fireebok.com