OS X 10.7
Topos US is an app that provides access to download and view high resolution USGS topographic maps for the United States. REGARDING MAP DATES: You will often see a date on a downloaded map that seems pretty old. This is the date of last physical survey. This could be a long time ago. Often maps will be compared to aerial photography to verify buildings but not always. I can't do anything about this and besides, mountains don't move that quick. See the "Currentness Year and Version Year" section here: http://egsc.usgs.gov/maplists/howtoselectmaps.html This app includes 49 states, with most states having over 99% of the maps for the state. Please note the following: Alaska is not included. Most of North Dakota and Florida are missing. Access over 50,000 USGS Topo Maps, zoom, pan, rotate, etc. Please contact us at support@pignology.net so we can resolve any issues quickly. Have a feature request? Send those over to support@pignology too. I'm always happy to fix problems and make apps better. Review Responses: FishMike: Pinch to zoom in/out is in the app. Can you get in touch with me so we can figure out why it's not working for you?